
We offer many images and phrases printed on cotton shirts. All shirts are 100% preshrunk cotton.   Every order is Custom Made and made to order, so in most cases shirts can be personalized. We don’t have a minimum order amount for special one – off orders, and in most cases there are no set-up charges. Our shirts are great for Birthday’s, Weddings, Christmas, graduation, or any occasion gifts.  We have images that appeal to the fisherman, car collector, motorcycle enthusiast.  We have many vintage images of cars, motorcycles, airplanes, as well as vintage surf images. We are adding or revising images all the time. We use full color direct to garment printing and full color Forever transfer products for clear crisp prints that are machine washable and last as long as the shirt.

The categories we have are:

Men’s Airplanes

This will appeal to the aviation or vintage airplane enthusiast. We have images of Cessna, Beech, Mc Donald Douglas, Boeing, De Haviland, as well as many War Birds, Bush Planes, light general aviation and commercial aircraft.  We are adding images all the time, and if you don’t see something that you would like, please let us know and we will try and find an image for you.

Men’s Automotive

This section should appeal to the classic, vintage collector.  The images we have cover most of the automotive culture.  We have Street Rods, Lead Sleds, English / British cars We have images of Mussel and Vintage American cars. We have drawings of Fiats, Austin Healey, Mustang, Camaro, Corvette, Jaguar, Ford, Chevy, Plymouth, German BMW. Hotrods, Classic Cars, Roadsters and many more.  If you have and image, or would like an image printed on a shirt please contact us and we can see if we can get it.

Men’s Motorcycles

We have many motorcycle images ranging from Vintage European to Harley Cursers, to Track Formula 1 racers.  We have Baggers, Full Dress Indians, Choppers, and Stock Harley’s.  We also have BMW, ranging from Vintage, Classic German R series to BMW GS adventure bikes. We also have Moto Guzzi and Vespa as well as vintage English bikes.  We have images of bikes on race tracks.  From Street to Off road to Road Racing to Vintage we have an image.  If you don’t see what you need, please contact up and we can get the image for you.

Men’s fishing

We have images for the fisherman of all ages.  We have images for the Fly fisherman, Saltwater fisherman. Lake, Bass, Deep water Surf Fishing.  We have Trout, Salmon, Pike, Marlin, We have images of Mountain Streams Lakes, Oceans and anything the fisherman would want. We are adding images constantly and if you have an image you want printed or want a special fish, let us know and we will try and find it.

Men’s surfing

We have images for any surfer. Vintage surf Posters, Vintage Longboards. Logs, Longboard, Short Board, Eggs Fun boards Fish, and Stand up’s.  We are looking for images of Malibu, Rincon, California Street, Swamis, Cardiff Reef, or any good surf Break.  Being lifelong surfers ourselves we are always looking for the perfect image.

Women’s Shirts

We have many images to choose from. We have images of Hawaiian tribal art that include Turtles, Dolphins, and Hummingbirds. We have Hula dancer tattoo art that was very popular from the 30’s through the 50’s (Sailor Jerry Type of stuff) with Navy men traveling the Pacific.

We have a series of Mexican Folk Art, which is called Sugar Skulls. Some are full color and others are single color can be printed in the color of your choice.